z Krainy Przodków FCI   
(since 2000)   




Baza BGS





NEWS 2018



International Dog Show in Kassel, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, AnwVDH, CAC, CACIB
and Best of Breed (BOB)    
The judge was: Herbert Klemann, Germany



National Dog Show in Kassel, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, AnwVDH, CAC,
and Best of Breed (BOB)    
The judge was: Burkhard Seibel, Germany  
in the finals she won BEST OF GROUP III
The judge was: Piotr Król, Poland



  BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got the title "Dianaprijs 2018"   
  The "Dianaprijs " is awarded to the dog by the Commissie Jachthonden, which has been awarded   
 a CACT or RCACT in the Netherlands at a national or international championship field   
 and which is also awarded at an exhibition or championship club match in the Netherlands   
 at an age of at least 15 months, has achieved the qualification "excellent".   


Working Trials Zweetsproof F in Oss, The Netherlands  
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got Diploma I°, 100 points, place 1 and CACT   
 The judges were: R.Onderwater, R.Kamerling   



International Dog Show in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
and Best of Breed (BOB)  
The judge was: Aase Jabobsen, Norway



International Working Trials, im. Jana Kierznowskiego  
  in Kluczbork/ZO PZŁ Opole, Poland
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got Diploma I°, 82 points/100 points, place 7/14   



National Dog Show in Rybnik, Poland
BURLESKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CWC
 The judge was: Iwona Łuczak, Poland



2x International Dog Show in Tulln, Austria
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got 2x excellent 1, 2x CACA, CACIB
 and Best Opposite Sex (BOS)
  The judges were: Burkhard Seibel [DE], Vladimir Piskay [SK]



National Dog Show in Bremen, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, AnwVDH, CAC,
and Best of Breed (BOB)    
The judge was: Maric Nenad, Serbia



International Dog Show in Bremen, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, AnwVDH, CAC, CACIB
and Best of Breed (BOB)    
The judge was: Eberhard Jochen, Germany

in the sama day

National Dog Show in Olomouc, Czech Republic
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC
  The judge was: Jan Coppens, The Netherlands



International Working Trials in Tymbark/ZO PZŁ Nowy Sčcz, Poland
ANDRUS z Krainy Przodków FCI got Diploma
I°, 90 points/100 points, place 4/6   



2x International Dog Show in Liege, Belgium
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got 2x xcellent 1, 2x CAC, 2x CACIB
2x Best of Breed (BOB) and 2x Golden Winner    
The judges were: Tina Illukka, (FI), Wrzegorz Weron (PL)



International Dog Show in Hannover, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, AnwVDH, CAC, CACIB
Best of Breed (BOB) and VDH-Sieger Hannover    
The judge was: Stefan Sinko, Slovenia



Working Trials "Prova di Lavoro S.A.C.T (Società Amatori Cani da Traccia)"
 organized by Gruppo Conduttori cani da traccia URCA GE. in Casella (GE), Italy
ZACHCIANKA z Krainy Przodków FCI in "
classe libera" got Eccellente 1, points 74.5, C.A.C



International Dog Show in Brno, Czech Republic
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC, CAC ÈMKU, CACIB
 and Best Opposite Sex (BOS)
  The judge was: Viera Staviarska, Slovakia



International Dog Show in Zwolle, The Netherlands
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
and Best of Breed (BOB)  
in the finals she won BEST OF GROUP IV
The judge was: Svein Bjarne Helgesen, Norway



Scenthounds Club Show (Klub ChovateŸov Farbiarov) in Zvolen/Sielnica, Slovakia
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC
 The judge was: Ing. Ladislav Druska, Slovakia 

ATAMAN z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 2, Res.CAC 
The judge was: MVDr. Tibor Želtvay, Slovakia



Working Trials "Prova di caccia su traccie S.A.C.T (Società Amatori Cani da Traccia)"
 organized by Ass.Conduttori cani da recupero Reg. Piemonte in Demonte (CN), Italy
ZACHCIANKA z Krainy Przodków FCI in "
classe libera" got Molto Buono 5/8, points 54



National Dog Show in Bytom, Poland
BURLESKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CWC
 title Best Adult Female and Best of Breed (BOB)  
in the finals she won BEST OF GROUP II
The judge was: Stanisław Abłamowicz, Poland



National Dog Show in Iłża/Pakosław o/Radom, Poland
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CWC
 title Best Adult Female and Best of Breed (BOB)  
The judge was: Iuze Beradze, Czech Republic  
in the finals she won BEST OF GROUP II
The judge was: Maciej Lipiec, Poland



International Dog Show in Luèenec, Slovakia
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
 and Best Opposite Sex (BOS)
  The judge was: Viera Staviarska, Slovakia



International Dog Show in Dortmund, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1,  JCAC
title Best Junior of Breed and Frühjahrs-Jugendsiege 2018  
The judge was: 
Josef Pohling, Germany



International Dog Show in Dortmund, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1,  JCAC
title Best Junior of Breed, Crufts Qualified and VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger 2018  
e also finished her  
The judge was: Wilfried Peper, Germany



International Dog Show in Lingen, Germany
 BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, JVDH, JCAC
title Best Junior of Breed and Best of Breed (BOB)  
The judge was: Don Foran, Ireland  
in the finals she won BEST OF GROUP
The judge was: Wilfried Peper, Germany



National Dog Show in Zakrzów o/Racibórz, Poland
 BURLESKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, Junior Winner
 title Best Junior of Breed and Best of Breed (BOB)
  The judge was: Maciej Lipiec, Poland



International Dog Show in KV Rijnland, Hazerswoude, The Netherlands
BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
 and Best of Breed (BOB)   
 The judge was: Tamas Jakkel, Hungary



2x International Dog Show in Groningen, The Netherlands
BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI got 2x excellent 1, 2x CAC, 2x CACIB
 and 2x Best of Breed (BOB)   
 The judges were: Wolfgang Trumpfheller (DE), Kalvo Kriisk (EE)



2x International Dog Show in Brno, Czech Republic
ATAMAN z Krainy Przodków FCI got 2x excellent 1, 2x CAC, 2x CAC ÈMKU, 2x CACIB
   and 2x Best of Breed (BOB)     
He also finished his  
The judges were: Rudy Smits (NL),
Otakar Vondrouš (CZ) 



BRAWURA z Krainy Przodków FCI hed his hips x-rayed
The result is: HD B



National Dog Show in Brno, Czech Republic
BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI got excellent 1, CAJC
 title Best Junior of Breed and Best of Breed (BOB)
 and she finished her ÈESKĘ JUNIOR ŠAMPION
 The judge was: Vera Dvoráková, Czech Republic




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